The Outlaw Shoe Founder Treatment Info

Founder Resection of Hoof – A Delicate Procedure

White line disease is a disease that causes a horse’s hoof to deteriorate. This condition can cause the hoof wall and laminae to separate if it is left undetected or untreated. The result could be rotation of a coffin bone which can be almost unbearably painful for the animal. White line disease develops if a horse’s hooves are cracked or suffered a serious trauma. Abscesses or other chronic infections can also cause the disease. All breeds of horses are susceptible to this condition and they can affect just one hoof or all four.

The Outlaw Shoe will support the hoof and leave the toe open for treatment and or more resection. This is the best shoe for white line because of the heel support given in the design of the shoe supporting the caudal section of the hoof and increasing break over in the toe decreasing pain and pressure in the hoof.

By applying the Outlaw Shoe (steel) one can support the hoof taking pressure off the crack allowing it to heal and grow down uninhibited from ground forces. Treatment should be dependent on the advice of the attending Veterinarian or Farrier.

After resection the use of an Outlaw Pad for acute laminitis will aid in pain reduction and support the hoof with an open toe design. It is a synthetic composite blend which is very strong and soft. It is the perfect pad to aid in the healing process. The Outlaw Pad straps on and can be easily removed for cleaning and applying medication.

A horse with a cracked hoof can be infected by the bacteria and fungi that are commonly found in pastures and barns. Initially, the disease will not lead to lameness. Once a horse has begun to show physical signs of lameness, the disease will already have done an incredible amount of damage. Symptoms of the condition may include a bulge or dish shape in the hoof, a hollow sound if the hoof is tapped with a hammer, or a lost shoe that takes a chunk of hoof along with it. X-rays will often be necessary in order to determine just how extensive the damage to the inner hoof wall has been.

It will often be necessary for the hoof to be re-sectioned. This involves exposing the inner hoof wall so that the damaged tissue can be removed. Afterwards, a therapeutic shoe is installed which will help provide comfort and protection to the hoof while still allowing it to be exposed to light and air. A farrier and veterinarian will work together to provide the necessary treatment for an animal if resection of the hoof is necessary. After resection, it may be necessary for the horse to avoid excessive exercise if the damage was extensive. A horse owner will have to carefully tend to the horse after resection.

After resection, the horse must be kept in an area that is clean and dry and free of mud and manure. If a horse is bathed after resection, the owner must towel dry the hoof in order to prevent it from being wet or moist for too long. A horse is also susceptible to abscesses after undergoing a hoof resection. No horse owner wants their animal to undergo the pain and stress associated with a hoof resection or any of the conditions that can cause it. Carefully monitoring a horses hooves and providing a clean and dry stall can go a long way to ensuring a horses health.