Case Study: Hurricane 26 year old Quarter horse/ Mustang cross
The Story
Hurricane is a 26 year old QH/mustang cross… We met 12+ years ago, when his owner was struggling with the decision of euthanasia after his first severe laminitis episode. A great veterinarian, several talented farriers and careful management brought him back to trail riding soundness and a normal pampered life. Four years ago, he had another acute laminitic episode and recovered to a level of “pasture soundness”…the hoof walls, however, were severely compromised, and the hoof gradually edged toward the dreaded “club” appearance. We tried just about every product and strategy -with very little success – and still Hurricane continued to decline.
In early May, he presented with a serious and dramatic impaction colic. Certainly not a surgical candidate, he somehow survived after 3 days of intensive fluid therapy, pain management and a lot of hand walking. His front hoof walls were gone and by the second day, he could not walk at all even with the colic pain medications…

In desperation, we ordered the Outlaw Pad- not really expecting too much, but the design looked perfect – heart bar type support with enough cushion and flex to remove sole pressure while allowing the hoof wall to grow out. Our farrier taped these pads on only a few days after the colic episode and the results were immediate and stunning!!! Hurricane walked out of his stall happy and comfortable for the first time in ages…There was NO repeat founder after the colic trauma! This video was taken in May, as Hurricane ‘test drives’ his new shoes-he had received no drugs whatsoever.
Without exaggeration, your Outlaw Pads have provided a drug free, amazing reprieve for this much loved horse and owner.
Hurricane has worn these pads every day for the past 3 months- we take them off- one at a time- clean and re-tape each week. We use about 1/2 roll of tape per hoof. He is turned out at night so wrap is usually wet in morning but dries out quickly in stall bedding. Hurricane is not easy on these pads- he walks, trots and plays with his buddies at night- and we are so pleasantly surprised at the durability. For anyone who cares for a laminitic horse, the cost is also a very pleasant surprise!!!
Just for your information… My name is Sandi Keen, my cell # is 205-283-####(Please call The Blacksmith shop at 888-4-nailez if you have any questions.) I have owned and operated a small equine rehab center outside of Birmingham, Alabama, for the past 20 years – with special focus on laminitis.
I am obviously thrilled with this product and will happily provide any information you might want.
Thanks so much!